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Acorn Blue are holding six more launches for various projects in the area this year which includes a development called Rocket. five gallons of gas in a can, fitness equipment Storer says you'll find that there's much more to successful trading than chart formations. and in depriving us from the truth they are also depriving the people from the chance to prepare for a crisis...WashingtonsBlog reveals the US Postal Service is now quoting IMF Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) to US$ conversion rates and that the IMF endorses replacing US$s with SDRs A creeping acceptance of SDRs as the world's new reserve currency appears to be underway at least amongst the powers that be"Harry Schultz Gold (& mkts) Charts R Us 9/6/10Denial of Fundamental Realities is Fatal to Investment and Trading SuccessOne thinks of the Internet/Tech Bubble a decade ago which those who were caught riding it thought was not bursting (If they had not thought this they would not have been eviscerated by 'staying in')Or the Housing Bubble which House "Flippers" repeatedly rode to profits until they got caught holding illiquid overpriced HousesOr the Equities Market Perma-Bulls who in 2008 dissed the Bears and disregarded the Fundamentals and Key Technicals such as Hindenburg Omens until the Bears ripped them apartToday there are similarly widely denied Realities And similarly The Deniers are setting themselves up for a Big Fall as well as losing Serious Opportunities for Profit and ProtectionThus we lay out here certain Key but widely Denied Realities and some Guidelines which can be used to protect and profitConsider all the widely-Broadcast (by predictably the Mainstream Media) claims that we are in a "Recovering Economy"-- The Reality is that there is No Economic Recovery A quick look at the Real Numbers shows that instead we are moving into a DepressionShadowstatscom calculates the Real Numbers for the US the way they were calculated in the 1980's and 1990's before systematic Official Data Distortion and Interventions began in earnestOfficial Numbers vsReal Numbers (per Shadowstatscom)Annual US Consumer Price Inflation reported August 13 2010124%/857% (annualized July 2010 Rate)US Unemployment reported September 3 201096% /22%US GDP Annual Growth/Decline reported August 27 2010298%/-125%US M3 reported September 12 2010 (Month of August YOY)No Official Report/- 428 %A quick look at the chart above also dispels the Myth that we are in a predominantly Deflationary Environment-- The Reality is that we are in a Mixed Deflationary/Inflationary Environment with the Inflationary Factors set to Strongly Dominate beginning any month in the next Few MonthsNotice that GDP M3 exercises for strength training and Unemployment are Now Deflationary Forces and are somewhat counteracted by CPI which is already raging at 857% annualizedNotice also that although the recent trend of a diminishing M3 is a Key Signal of Economic Decline the Fed's and other Central Banks Recent Binge of Fiat Currency Creation and increased Debt Facilitation (much of which has been temporarily sequestered on the Fed's and other Central Banks Balance sheets) stands ready for release at any time with inflation-generating Force-- The Reality is that Hyperinflation is in our future; the only question is when it will become Manifest The Answer: it will not be too long In that connection consider John William's view regarding timing"Systemic Turmoil is Unthinkable Unacceptable but Unavoidable Pardon the use of the Aerosmith lyrics in the opening headers but the image of tap-dancing on a land mine pretty much describes what the Federal Reserve and the US Government have been doing in order to prevent a systemic collapse in the last couple of years Now as business activity sinks anew much expanded supportive measures will be needed to maintain short-term systemic stability Such official actions however in combination with global perceptions of limited US fiscal flexibility likely will trigger massive flight from the US dollar and force the Federal Reserve into heavy monetization of otherwise unwanted US Treasury debt When that land mine explodes -- probably within the next six-to-nine months the onset of a US hyperinflation will be in place with severe economic social and political consequences that will follow""SPECIAL COMMENTARY NUMBER 323: Updated Outlook on Economy Systemic Stability and Financial Markets"John Williams shadowstatscom 9/13/10In its simplest terms Monetization means The private for-profit Fed's creating more Fiat Dollars out of thin air (for free) to buy debt upon which US Taxpayers must pay interestBut printing more money inevitably (but not necessarily immediately -- See Deepcaster's recent article "Velocity -- Armageddon Antidotes & Just Say "No" trx trainer exercises to 401(k) & IRA Confiscation" (09/01/10) in the 'Articles by Deepcaster' Cache at Deepcaster's website) reduces the purchasing power of US Dollars This means Inflation and likely eventually hyperinflation are inevitableThe Eurozone and Great Britain are similarly at risk also having to create trx exercise guide much more money (ie Quantitative Easing -- QE) to pay down debtThus The Intermediate and Long-term Negative Consequences trx suspension workout of this Present and Prospective QE are profound -- the Dramatic Degradation of the Purchasing Power of the US Dollar Euro and PoundBut there are actions one can take to profit and protectWe therefore lay out the following Considerations and Constructive Guidelines:1Fed (and other Central Bank) Monetization is very injurious to Savers and Retirees and Prospective Savers and RetireesAs the Monetization proceeds the Purchasing Power of their Dollars (and other Fiat Currencies) drops What would have been sufficient for retirement and for a decent standard of living no longer suffices The value (measured in terms of Purchasing Power) of savings and earnings declines2Placing those "saved" funds in Equities-in-general is no Solution eitherEquities-in-general have had ZERO appreciation over the last decade and indeed a 30% (cf Shadowstatscom) decline if Real CPI is considered Equities are not now in a Bull Market but rather in a Bear Market It is highly likely that the Equities Bear Market will continue and worsen for many reasons including the ones the quotations above reflect3And many Sovereign Nation and Corporate Bonds trx kettlebell are no Solution either with record low yields and/or Sovereign Debt default Threats4The six month US Trade Deficit Widened 35% versus a year ago for what is still the World's largest Economy Indeed neither the US nor the Eurozone are genuinely recovering And though some emerging Markets are Marginally Recovering their fortunes are trx multimount nonetheless linked to their largest customers the US and the Eurozone5Corporations do have $18 Trillion in Cash but that is offset by $72 Trillion in Corporate (nonfinancial) Bank debt6Notwithstanding the fact that The private-for-profit (ie owned by its Mega-Bank Shareholders) Fed has reduced rates to Banks to nearly Zero the Mega-Banks are doing very discount fitness equipment little lending to small and medium size businesses -- the engines of hiringYet US State Regional and Local Banks are being allowed to fail at alarming rates -- over 200 have failed already in 2010 "Main Street" including the US Middle Class has been helped little by the Bailouts and StimuliGiven that the Mega-Banks were saved in 2008 2009 and 2010 with US and Eurozone Taxpayer funds and that they are being given a continuing boost to their balance sheets and profits by receiving virtually (in the US eg) no-cost capital from The Fed they should be lendingSolutions: In the US ongoing and any further help from The Fed/US Treasury should be conditioned on a "Cram-through" Requirement such as: "To the extent step fitness that you take our virtually "free" capital you must lend 95% of it out" If Voters dump most incumbents in the November elections Main Street and including the American Middle Class may have a chance of Economic Salvation7The Reality is that the Private Sector in the US and Eurozone is deleveragingThis debt liquidation reduces aggregate demand which triggers business cost-cutting and present (for some) and prospective (for many) Business Earnings ReductionsThese Realities/Prospects discourage business from hiring and encourage layoffs thus increasing unemploymentIncreasing Unemployment results in reduced demand resulting in further trx exercise business Contractions Thus the Negative Business Cycle worsens as it feeds back upon itselfIn sum the foregoing and following Two Major Negative Realities create Consequent OpportunitiesNegative Reality #1: For all the foregoing Reasons (and others) the International Economy will at best remain stagnant for many months More likely it will contract further into a widely recognized DepressionNegative Reality #2: Major Nations and Central Banks will continue to and increasingly are flooding their economies with Fiat Money This QE will continue to drive down the value (Purchasing Power) of the US Dollar Euro Pound and other Major Fiat CurrenciesThus Real Inflation (Already At 857% in the US per Shadowstatscom) will Surge to much higher LevelsResult: HyperinflationOpportunities:Deepcaster has long been and still is an advocate of Gold and Silver The Ultimate Monetary Metals are our #1 and #2 Selections as the best Fortress Assets for Profit and Protection Indeed Gold in particular is not only a hedge against Deflation or Inflation but also provides Profit Potential as wellIndeed several months ago Deepcaster issued two 'Buy' Recommendations on a particular form of these Metals and these Recommendations are now showing a nice profit And as Regular Readers know Deepcaster has for weeks maintained an open 'Buy' Recommendations on these metals notwithstanding ongoing and prospective Gold and Silver Price Suppression Attempts by the Fed-led Cartel* of Central Bankers*We encourage those who doubt the scope and power of Overt and Covert Interventions by a Fed-led Cartel of Key Central Bankers and Favored Financial Institutions to read Deepcaster's December 2009 Special Alert containing a summary overview of Intervention entitled "Forecasts and December 2009 Special Alert: Profiting From The Cartel's Dark Interventions - III" and Deepcaster's July 2010 Letter entitled "Profit from a Weakening Cartel; Buy Reco; Forecasts: Gold Silver Equities Crude Oil US Dollar & US T-Notes & T-Bonds" in the 'Alerts Cache' and 'Latest Letter' Cache at Deepcaster's website Also consider the substantial evidence collected by the Gold AntiTrust Action Committee at wwwgataorg including testimony before the CFTC for information on precious metals price manipulation Virtually all of the evidence for Intervention has been gleaned from publicly available records Deepcaster's profitable recommendations displayed at Deepcaster's website have been facilitated by attention travel exercise equipment to these "Interventionals" Attention to The Interventionals facilitated Deepcaster's recommending five short positions prior to the Fall 2008 Market Crash all of which were subsequently liquidated profitablyThe #3 Category is High-Yield Securities which meet certain criteria If one Selects those with High Yields (ie above the inflation rate) and appreciation Potential (or at least those resistant to depreciation) one has a chance of making a Real Profit Notwithstanding ongoing Substantial Real Consumer Price Inflation the ongoing Equities Bear Market and the Declining Economy Deepcaster has recently Recommended five High-Yielders which meet his Criteria Four of which were recommended when their Recent Yields were 156% 26% 185% and 106% To see these four including Deepcaster's latest High-Yield Recommendations go to Deepcaster's website and click on the 'High Yield Portfolio' CacheBut note one important Caveat: one must be prepared to sell these securities immediately upon the onset of Hyperinflation weight training equipment because then the Real Inflation rate will exceed the YieldRegarding Gold and Silver as we indicated several Months ago The Cartel's* Precious Metals Price Suppression Capacity has been weakened considerably by Recent trx rip Revelations catalyzed by GATA Deepcaster and others that eg Major trx training for sale Gold Repositories have very little of the actual Physical Metal that they claimThis has thankfully led to an increased demand for delivery of and possession of Physical Gold and SilverDeepcaster sees the next few weeks as critical for The Cartel To see Deepcaster's forecast regarding whether The Cartel will be able to reverse the thus far relentless advance of Gold and Silver see our latest Forecast in the 'Alerts Cache' at Deepcaster's websiteMiddle and Long Term Gold and Silver are the World's Best Bet to rise dramatically in terms of all Fiat CurrenciesIndeed GATA Board member Adrian Douglas makes a frx jeans $196 convincing case that The (Second) London Gold (Price Suppression) Pool is likely trx training wikipedia to fail imminently thus propelling Gold and Silver to New Highs in the Near TermIn any event Gold and Silver are the Single Best Assets for Wealth Protection and Profit to surmount the Coming Mega-Crises" The nerve of these bastards; Fed Chairman Greenspan kept interest rates too low for too long, This Mortgage Program HECM comes with a low Loan-To-Value ratio thereby building in a high degree of safety for lenders. 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